Comparative effectiveness of toothbrushing, flossing and mouthrinse regimens on plaque: A 12-week virtually supervised clinical trial1.
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A 12-week supervised study to evaluate the efficacy of various oral hygiene regimens in the prevention and reduction of plaque.
For this examiner-blinded clinical trial, subjects were randomised into four groups:
Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and a mouthwash containing a fixed combination of four essential oils (EO) and training/ instructions were provided to participants as per their assigned group. Participants performed their regimen at home, under virtual supervision, once each weekday; the second daily and weekend uses were unsupervised.
Plaque assessments were undertaken at baseline, week 4 and at week 12.
It was demonstrated that the essential oil-containing mouthwash, LISTERINE®, reduces interproximal plaque by 28.4% when used as an adjunct to brushing and flossing, compared to brushing and flossing alone, at 12 weeks*1.
*Sustained plaque reduction above the gumline with continual twice-daily use for 12 weeks after a dental cleaning. Flossing underwent once-daily supervision on weekdays. Use LISTERINE® as part of a 3-step routine.
- Milleman J., et al Journal of Dental Hygiene (2022);96(3):21-34.